Is this a trick qustion? No, seriously, on the JW front, our parents have strict rules to follow regarding what not to do or say when they get the kids for a visit. They may not discuss our status,or tell the children that things we do (such as R rated movies or letting them play with guns now, or celebrating stuff ) are wrong. They may not pray for the children to "return to the meetings as Jehovah wants them to" etc........ These things have been done on previous visits and they have been warned that continuing to do so will result in NO visits at all. They also tried fishing for information on us which was NIPPED immediately!!! And they haven't tried that again. BUT had there been ANY serious abuse in the past, like when we were growing up, then NO FRIGGIN WAY!!!! They don't change . As a matter of fact you also have to add their age and impatience and irritability to the equasion. As adults get older, they're more grumpy, curt, and irritable. Our parents have instructions that they are NOT to raise their voices to the children , threaten them with punishment, or spank them.
and that's my two and a half cents!!!!!!!